
Quick primer on Stack¶. Stack solves the following problems. Having different versions of the Haskell compiler (i.e. Ghc) available on your machine without messing things up, and using the right ghc version for your project. Taking care of which Haskell libraries are known to compile/build with which version of ghc.; Taking care of the dependency graph of libraries, so that all the libraries. What is this This is a DevContainer 1 2 environment for Visual Studio Code, allowing automatically installing the Haskell compiler (GHC), Stack, Cabal, HLS (Haskell Language Server), and the necessary Visual Studio Code extensions to set up a Haskell development environment with zero additional effort. Hello everyone, In this video we see how to install Haskell in windows and run in visual studio code.Haskell is a general purpose language that can be used.

  1. Veloped in Visual Haskell. In fact, the Visual Studio plugin is self-hosting: it can be de-veloped and built inside Visual Studio itself. As you might imagine, the Visual Studio plugin uses various exotic fea-tures of GHC, and does some heavyweight foreign language interop, so this is no mean feat.
  2. I have written my first Haskell code in Visual Studio Code. I want to implement list of lists so I started with simple list. Module Main where import System.Environment import Data.List import Data.Ord main:: IO main = do let lostNumbers = 4,8,15,16,23,42.

Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio Code Haskell Language Server


If all dependencies to build GHC (with Hadrian) are installed, the Haskell plugin works out of the box. It installs the required Haskell Language Server automatically.

Haskell Visual Studio Code


I (Sven) got the best results with the clangd plugin. It requires clangd to be installed and a compile_commands.json file to be in place.

compile_commands.json contains all build parameters for all C files. It can easily be generated with bear. You just have to prefix your build command with bear, e.g.


Visual Studio Code Haskell Plugin


If you're using ghc.nix, you'll very likely want use it the provide the dependencies for the previously described plugins.

Haskell Visual Studio Code Mac

This can easily be done with the Nix Environment Selector plugin.